Without a doubt, the hardest thing about this Java Journey, is the fact that the whole process of bringing The Coffee Cup back to life is taking place so far away. With Jackson, Michigan being 651 miles from here, I just can't hop in the car to see her progress. If she were close by, say an hour or so, I'd make that trip weekly!
I spent a lot of time soul searching this decision about having the work done so far away. I'm normally a patient-person, but I'm also a hands-on person, a photo-documenting person. Tony promised me that he would keep me up-to-date with pictures and emails about The Cup's progress. I have to nudge him every few weeks to keep that promise. I made copious notes and drawings about what I wanted and left them with Tony when we met back in June. And we have chatted about aspects of the re-framing since then.
I keep a notebook with every bit of correspondence we have, invoices and receipts of items I've purchased, vinyl and fabric swatches.....EVERYTHING that's Coffee Cup related!
My excitement and nervousness were off the chart when I received the first batch of photos from Tony. I'll share them with you along with his captions for each photo...
"One last look before we tear her down" |
"Looks like a new pooch is in order" |
"Interior shot before we tear out" |
"More interior" |
"Cool lamp! You gotta love it" |
"A look at the rear gaucho, as they are called"
Looks like you'll have to show a little patience too in waiting for the next group of pictures. I promise I won't make you wait too long. Thanks for dropping by today to catch up on my Java Journey!