Friday, March 23, 2012

I'm Published!

What exciting news I have to share with you today!  

In an earlier Coffee Cup post, I shared an outstanding magazine with you called "Vintage Caravan Magazine", being published in Australia.  The editor and owner of this publication is Lisa Mora, who is our first Australian Sister.  She created VCM out of a love for vintage caravans (trailers to us) and camping in them.

We struck up a conversation a while back and when she mentioned that she wanted to feature Sisters on the Fly from the USA, I offered to share some of my photographs with her.  We have been in correspondence back and forth for a couple of months.  My one regret while I was sending photos and chatting with her, is that The Coffee Cup won't be ready in time to be included.

Issue 7 has just come off the presses and it contains the feature on the American Sisters.  And guess what?  My photographs are in it.  This morning on FaceBook, Lisa announced the newest issue and mentioned me!  WOW!

Take a look...

As soon as this issue arrives, I'll share the article and my photos with you.  If you are interested in getting back issues or a subscription to VCM, just visit their website.

I hope you all have a great weekend.  If you are camping, be safe and have fun.  I'll talk to you soon!